Initial Contact

Following receipt of a report alleging a potential violation of this Policy, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the Complainant to meet with the Title IX Coordinator for an initial intake and assessment meeting, and will provide the following:

  • An invitation to meet to offer assistance and explain their rights, resources, and options under this Policy;
  • Access to this Policy;
  • The availability of Supportive Measures, including the availability of no contact orders, regardless of whether a complaint is filed and/or any resolution is initiated;
  • The options for resolution and how to make a complaint and initiate a resolution process;
  • The right to notify law enforcement as well as the right not to notify law enforcement;
  • The importance of preserving evidence and obtaining a sexual assault forensic examination as soon as possible (if applicable);
  • In the case of potential criminal misconduct, how to get assistance from Campus Safety or local law enforcement in preserving evidence;
  • The Institute uses the preponderance of the evidence standard when determining responsibility and that this standard is different from the one used in the criminal process;
  • The right to an advisor of choice, if applicable, during the Institute’s proceedings under this Policy including the initial meeting with the Title IX Coordinator;
  • A statement that retaliation for filing a complaint, or participating in the complaint process, is prohibited;
  • The option to withdraw a complaint or involvement from the institution process at any time; and
  • Explain the prohibition against retaliation and that the Institute will take prompt action in response to any act of retaliation.