Employee Reporting Obligations (Mandated Reporting)

Pratt Munson believes it is important to be proactive in taking reasonable steps to identify and prevent incidents of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment. All employees, including student employees, who are not a Confidential Resource, are required to promptly notify the Title IX Coordinator if they have information (whether that information was based on their own observations or they learned about it from another) about conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, or other conduct prohibited under this Policy.

The Institute also encourages employees who themselves experience Prohibited Conduct to bring their concerns to the Title IX Coordinator, though they are not required to do so.

When providing this information to the Title IX Coordinator, the employee must include their own name and contact information, and all known details about an incident, which may include, if known, the dates, times, locations, names of involved individuals, and the nature of the incident.

Aside from this reporting obligation, employees will, to the fullest extent possible, maintain the privacy of an individual’s information, consistent with FERPA. Reports from mandatory reporters (i.e., non-confidential employees) help the Institute monitor patterns of behavior, drive changes to general training and education, and ensure that students are aware of their options in addressing any conduct prohibited under this Policy as well as the support services that are available to them.