There are a number of individuals who have key roles and responsibilities throughout the reporting, investigatory, and adjudication processes under this Policy. These individuals are required to be free from conflicts of interest or bias for, or against, Reporting Parties/Complainants and Responding Parties/Respondents. Should the Title IX Coordinator have a conflict of interest, the Title IX Coordinator is to immediately notify the Academic Dean who will either take, or reassign, the role of Title IX Coordinator for purposes of carrying out the handling and finalization of the matter at issue. Should any Investigator, Decision Maker(s), or Appeals Officer have a conflict of interest, the Investigator, Decision Maker(s), or Appeals Officer is to notify the Title IX Coordinator upon discovery of the conflict so that the Title IX Coordinator may reassign the role as appropriate. As described below, the parties will have an opportunity to challenge a designated Investigator, Decision-Maker, and/or Appeals Officer based on grounds of a demonstrated bias or actual conflict of interest. All such challenges will be considered, and changes made as deemed appropriate.