Photography (PHOT)

PHOT-105  Black and White Photography (3 Credits)  

This is an introductory course in black and white photography. The course will introduce basic techniques, including small-camera operation, film exposure and development, and the contact printing, enlarging, and finishing of black-and-white photographs, as well as concept development and image content. Emphasis will be placed on the ability of students to master the technical skills necessary to begin developing their own artistic style and using the medium as a communicative tool. Visual presentations will acquaint students with photographers who have influenced the development of the medium.

PHOT-205  Sophomore Critique (3 Credits) 

This course is the first in a project-and-seminar sequence in which students develop a sense of analysis, synthesis, assessment, and self-reflection regarding their own photographic production, the work of peers, and cultural production at large. This course focuses on approaches to project development and critique. Readings and discussions will examine the dissemination of images and ideas as it relates to the aesthetics and social significance of photography.

PHOT-210  Digital Photography (3 Credits)  

This is an introductory course in digital photography. In this course, students are introduced to color techniques and theories. The course will cover the basics of color photography, including image capture, file management, image processing, and digital printing. Students will gain a broader understanding of photography as an artistic medium through readings, critiques, class discussions, and field trips.

PHOTO-211  Intermediate Digital Photography (3 Credits)  

Expanding upon the photographic techniques and concepts introduced in Digital Photography, students in this course will gain an in-depth understanding of digital file management; editing and processing; and printing techniques. The discussion of photographic and media artists who use the internet and digital-imaging software will help students understand how these tools are being used today.

PHOT-212  Digital Photography Expanded (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to digital video production in the context of expanded photographic practice. Students will learn camera operation, lighting and sound, recording, video and sound editing, and exporting techniques using digital video editing software. Assignments, readings, screenings, and discussions will draw upon the work of artists and filmmakers employing single and multichannel formats.

PHOT-220  Large Format Photography (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to the view camera and its uses. Emphasis is placed on developing a sense of familiarity with the camera and utilizing its unique potential, such as its ability to correct perspective and render fine detail. Students will additionally learn how the large-format camera's technical and expressive capabilities differ from those of handheld cameras.

PHOT-240  Acts of Recognition: Race, Ethics, and Representation (3 Credits)  

This seminar course explores the roles of photography in shaping, revising, and visualizing identities. The course delves into themes of digital technologies, colonial legacies, race, feminisms, gender, queerness, intersectionality, and the archive. Students study both historical and contemporary artworks through lectures, hands-on activities, in-class discussions, and critical engagement of theoretical texts.