Outside Resources

Alternative Student Loan

Designed to help students meet their college costs after all other aid has been awarded. There are several student loan providers that offer students the opportunity to borrow loan funds, however, a cosigner is usually required. Students can contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@prattmunson.edu for further information.

Out-of-State Aid Programs

Students that reside outside of New York State may qualify for financial aid grants from the state that they reside in. Additional information can be found online at www.nasfaa.org/State_Financial_Aid_Programs.

Veterans Administration (VA) Educational Benefits 

Application forms are available at all Veterans Administration offices, active duty stations, American embassies, or online at www.va.gov/education/. Completed forms are submitted to the student’s nearest VA office. 

NYS Aid to Native Americans

Application forms may be obtained from the Native American Education Unit, New York State Education Department, Albany, N.Y. 12230. 

The applicant must:

  • Be a member of one of the Native American tribes located on reservations within New York State;
  • Have graduated from an approved high school, or have earned a General Equivalency Diploma, or be enrolled in a program in an approved postsecondary institution leading to degree-credit status and the General Equivalency Diploma; and
  • Be enrolled in an approved postsecondary institution in New York State. State Aid to Native Americans is an entitlement program. There is neither a qualifying examination nor a limited number of awards.

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

The Financial Aid Office provides the below list of outside scholarships search engines at: