
Grade Reports

Grade reports are not mailed to students. Grades may be obtained online through students’ OnePratt accounts ( and are available approximately one week after the last day of the semester. Unofficial transcripts are also available through OnePratt. Official transcripts can be requested online through the National Student Clearinghouse website ( 

Grading System

Letter Grades that Affect the Academic Index

GradeQuality PointEvaluation 

The student has consistently demonstrated outstanding ability in the comprehension and interpretation of the content of the course.

B+3.30Very Good

The student has acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the content of the course.

C+2.30Above Average

The student has shown satisfactory understanding of the content of the course.

C-1.70Below Average (UG Only)
D+1.30Less Than Acceptable (UG Only)

The student lacks satisfactory understanding of course content in some important respects.

D1.00Less Than Acceptable (UG Only)

The student has failed to meet the minimum standards for the course.


The student has failed to meet the minimum standards for the course due to lack of attendance.

Note: The +/- grading system and numerical values within went into effect as of the fall 1989 semester and is not acceptable for recording purposes for prior semesters. A+ and D- are not accepted as part of the grading system.

Spring 2020 semester only: Pass/Fail grading accepted due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Letter Grades that Do Not Affect the Academic Index

AUD: Audit, No Credit

Students must register for courses they plan to audit by contacting the Registrar’s Office in person or by way of their Pratt email account. Tuition and fees are the same as for courses which are taken for credit. (No numerical grade value.)

CR: Credit

Indicates that the student’s achievement was satisfactory to assure proficiency in subsequent courses in the same or related areas. The CR grade does not affect the student’s scholarship index. The CR grade is to be assigned only if the following situations are applicable:

  • the student is enrolled in any course offered by a school other than the one in which the student is matriculated and had requested from the professor at the start of the term a CR/NCR option as a final grade for that term, or
  • the instructor has first received approval to award CR grades from the Dean’s office.

INC: Incomplete

Designation given by the instructor at the written request of the student and available only if the student has been in regular attendance, to indicate the student has satisfied all but the final requirements of the course, and has furnished satisfactory proof that the work was not comp­leted because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control. The student must understand the terms necessary to fulfill the requirements of the course and the date by which work must be submitted. If the work is not submitted by the understood date of submission — not exceeding 30 days after the end date of the term — the incomplete will be converted to a failure. If unresolved at the end of the following semester, the grade is changed to failure with a numerical grade value of 0.

NCR: No Credit

The student has not demonstrated proficiency. (See CR for conditions of use.) 

(No numerical value.)

R: Course Repeated 

Indicates the student has repeated the course for a better grade.

(No numerical grade value.)

WD: Withdrawal from a registered class

Indicates that the student was permitted to withdraw from a course in which the student was officially enrolled. 

(No numerical grade value.)

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA), a student’s average rating, is computed by multiplying only those credits evaluated by a numerical value, e.g.,

  • A = 4.00 

  • A- = 3.70 

  • B+ = 3.30 

  • B = 3.00 

  • B- = 2.70 

  • C+ = 2.30

  • C = 2.00

  • C- = 1.70

  • D+ = 1.30

  • D = 1.00

  • F = 0.00

(If unresolved at the end of the following semester, INC = F = 0.00.) 

By adding the results of these calculations and dividing that sum by the total credits evaluated, a GPA is  computed. For example:

GradeNumerical Value CreditsCompleted Total

The GPA is 30 divided by 15 or 2.00. 

INC (incomplete) does not carry a numerical value for the first semester following the one in which it was given. Thereafter, if unresolved, the INC carries a numerical value of 0.00.

The following grades do not carry numerical values and are never calculated in the GPA:

  • P: Pass

  • CR: Credit

  • U: Unsatisfactory

  • WD: Withdrawal

  • AUD: Audit

  • NCR: No Credit

  • INX: Extended Incomplete

Final grades for credit transferred from other institutions to a student’s Pratt Munson record are NOT computed in the GPA.

Final Grades Grade Disputes and Grade Change Policies

All grades are final as assigned by the instructor. If a student feels that a grade received is an error, or that they were graded unfairly, it is the student’s responsibility to make a prompt inquiry of the instructor after the grade has been issued and complete a Final Grade Dispute Form with the Registrar's Office. Should this procedure not prove to be an adequate resolution, the student should contact the Chair of Academic Affairs to arrange a meeting and appeal the grade. If this appeal is unsuc­cessful, a further and final appeal can be made to the Dean. It is important to note that only the faculty member who issued the grade holds the authority to change the grade.

If a grade is to be changed, the student must be sure that the change is submitted within the following semester. Petitions of change of any grade will be accepted only up to the last day of the semester following the one in which the grade was given. Other than resolution of an initially assigned incomplete grade or of a final grade reported in error, no letter grade may be changed following graduation.


Each term is a minimum of 15 weeks; special sessions are of variable length. For courses which are passed, a credit is earned for each period (50 minutes) of lecture or recitation and for approximately one and one-half periods of laboratory or studio work each week throughout the term or the equivalent throughout the sessions. Each credit a student carries requires not less than three hours of preparation per week including lecture and recitation, laboratory and studio work, and homework.

Courses to be Repeated

A repeated course must be the same course as the one for which the previous final grade was awarded.

Undergraduate students must repeat all required courses in which F is the final grade. With the approval of the advisor, the student may choose to repeat any course in which D is the final grade. The initial grade will be recorded as R (repeat) and only the subsequent grade earned will be averaged in the cumulative index.