Attendance and Conduct

Active participation and engagement are important aspects of the educational experience and success at Pratt Munson. Progress as an artist depends not only on completion of assignments but also on full participation in dialogue with studio and academic classes. Students are required to arrive on time, be prepared with materials, and complete all assignments by their due dates. 

Attendance is mandatory. All absences will count towards a student’s absence total for the semester. We will not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences. More than three absences (up to six for classes that meet twice a week) may result in the failure of a course. For extenuating circumstances past three absences, please contact Student Life.

Be on time. Tardiness past 15 minutes three times equals one absence. Leaving before the end of class may also be considered an absence. We recognize there may be medical or personal emergencies that arise and also respect the observation of religious holidays. Students who must miss a class due to unavoidable circumstances are required to communicate with their instructor, in advance whenever possible. These will count towards the allowable absences (three).

Students are responsible for finding out what they missed and making up both in class work and homework assignments. Please consult with your instructor, classmates, or review Canvas or Milanote for handouts, lectures, etc. 

*Note: During the add/drop period, absences are not counted if you are not registered for a particular course.