Humanities and Media Studies (HMS)

HMS-101A  Literary and Critical Studies I (3 Credits)  

This class serves as an introduction to reading and writing about literary texts and critical theory with a concentration on composition, critical analysis, and research. Students are required to write essays based on the critical analysis of texts across a range of genres. Emphasis is placed on using writing as an extension of the thought and creative process and as a tool that can be integrated across academic and artistic disciplines. There will be a focus on mastering the elements of the thesis-centered essay and developing research skills. 

HMS-101C  Literary and Critical Studies: English Language Learners I (3 Credits)  

This is the first course in a two-course sequence, HMS-101C and HMS-201C. In HMS-101C, students will build reading and writing skills through the study of texts including literature, critical theory, visual arts, and other artifacts. They will explore these texts through a particular thematic focus and continue to work on critical, analytical, and creative thinking as well as academic writing and research skills required in the Core. Students will respond to reading through various modes. This course is intended for international students and other students who may benefit from English-language learning support. There is a specific focus on developing English language skills.

HMS-201A  Literary and Critical Studies II (3 Credits)  

While students continue to deepen and refine the critical thinking and writing skills required in HMS-101A, emphasis is placed on exploring literary and visual texts in historical and cultural contexts and in their myriad relations to critical theory. Students will also continue to develop and refine a writing style characterized by coherency, clarity of expression, analytical rigor, and personal style. The course will culminate in an independent research project that helps to point students toward their further focused studies. 

HMS-201C  Literary and Critical Studies: English Language Learners II (3 Credits)  

This is the second course in a two-course sequence, HMS-101C and HMS-201C. In HMS-201C, students will continue to build academic and critical reading and writing skills through the study of a variety of texts including, but not limited to, literature, non-fiction, visual texts, film, music, visual art, and digital content. Students will explore literature and critical theory with a particular thematic focus and continue to work on critical, analytical, and creative thinking, as well as academic writing and research skills required in the Core. Students will respond to readings through various expository and interpretive modes. This course is intended for international students and other students who may benefit from English-language learning support. There is a specific focus on developing English language skills.