Fine Arts Seminars (FAU)

FAU-231  Seminar: Ideation and Conceptualization Jewelers (3 Credits)  

This course will broaden the student's awareness of the object-based world while developing conceptual skills through exercises in observation, writing, collection, and presentation. Students will use drawing and rendering as a generative source and critical thinking tool in the design process and to facilitate discussion.

FAU-241  Fine Arts Seminar I (3 Credits)  

Fine Arts Seminar explores ideas and issues related to the Fine Arts curriculum. Seminar classes provide historical and critical context for studio practice with attention to the social, cultural, and intellectual conditions of the time. Seminar classes also provide a platform for discussions around topics such as events, personalities, exhibitions, writings of artists and critics, values, and studio practice. The seminars are required coursework in the sophomore through senior years.