Academic Standing

College policies on academic standing are intended to ensure that all students receive timely notification when they are subject to academic discipline or achieve academic honors.

The student is responsible at all times for knowing their own scholastic standing in reference to the published academic policies, regulations, and standards of the College.

Students subject to academic discipline are encouraged to take advantage of support services available to them, including academic advisement, in an effort to help them meet College academic standards.

Good Standing

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 (equivalent of a C) to remain in good standing. A student whose GPA falls below a 2.0 at any time may be subject to academic discipline. The specific conditions under which this policy will be invoked are as set forth by the dean. Being under a 2.0 will place the student in probation and affects a student’s academic standing with the College. The consequences may affect a student’s ability to apply for academic opportunities such as internships, travel abroad, or Leave of Absence. Written notification of probationary status will be furnished to the student by the Registrar’s office.

Students must make reasonable progress in terms of credits completed each term in addition to meeting the standard for cumulative GPA. These standards ensure that students are making steady progress toward graduation and can help students avoid excessive student loans. The total number of semesters a full-time student may be awarded financial aid is indicated in the table below.

To be considered in good academic standing and to remain eligible for financial aid, full-time students must meet the following completed credit requirements to start the term shown:

TermPratt Munson Program

Qualitative Standards

The school evaluates the academic standing of its students twice during the academic year. The evaluations take place at the end of each major semester (fall and spring).

Academic standing is based on cumulative GPA (academic discipline) and term GPA (academic honors). Term and cumulative GPAs are calculated using the guidelines published in this catalog. Beginning with the spring 1992 semester, a student’s GPA above 2.00 will be rounded to one decimal point in evaluating eligibility for President’s List and Dean’s List honors and eligibility for restricted/endowed scholarships. Rounding is not utilized if a student’s cumulative average is below 2.00.

Standard notification letters are mailed to students in the following categories:

  • Academic Probation Standing
  • Candidates for Academic Dismissal
  • Ineligibility for Relocation to Pratt Institute

President’s List Honors Recipients

Students whose term GPA is 3.6 or higher and who have completed 12 or more credits in that term with no incomplete grades

Dean’s List Honors Recipients

Students whose term GPA is between 3.0 and 3.5 and who have completed 12 or more credits in that term with no incomplete grades

Academic Probation

Students are, without exception, placed on Academic Probation in the first semester that their cumulative GPA falls in the ranges shown below:

Credits Completed 
1 to 23Cumulative GPA 1.500-1.999
24 to 58Cumulative GPA 1.500-1.999

No indication of academic probation will appear on a student’s transcript, but a record of probation will be maintained in the student’s academic file.

Student Life staff schedules progress meetings as necessary with each student during their probation semester.

Students are limited to two non-consecutive probation semesters. Students who complete their first probation semester without achieving the required 2.0 cumulative average are subject to dismissal as described in the Academic Dismissal section below. If a student has been granted two prior probationary semesters and their cumulative average falls below 2.0 for a third time, that student is subject to dismissal. Students who are dismissed can apply for readmission to Pratt Munson and can seek advice on remittance from the Office of Admissions.

Academic Dismissal

Students are subject to Academic Dismissal if their cumulative GPA is 2.0 or less at the end of an academic probation semester. Students are also subject to dismissal without prior probation if they do not meet minimum cumulative averages for their grade classification:

Credits Completed 
1 to 23Cumulative GPA < 1.500
24 to 58Cumulative GPA < 1.500

Extenuating circumstances such as serious medical or personal disorders can lead to waiver of the Academic Dismissal. Probation may be offered to students who complete an “Appeal of Academic Dismissal Form” and obtain written approval from the dean.