Communications Design (COMD)

COMD-240  Research, Analysis, and Process (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to the research methodologies and processes that form the foundation of successful communications design. It demonstrated how communication design is shaped by the problem-solving phases of learning, identifying, generating, and implementation and how these methodologies can be applied to the understanding of audiences, organizing content, developing strategies, and defining purposes.

COMD-241  Image as Communication (3 Credits)  

This course is an in-depth investigation into the use of the image as a tool for transmitting messages and telling stories. Students will explore the use of visual rhetoric, composition, editing, context, sequencing, scale, and other design fundamentals, all in the service of a concept or narrative.

COMD-242  Process and Production (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to the production process of print-based media. Through a number of weekly short assignments, students will explore and apply a variety of both analog and digital processes and presentation techniques. These assignments will function as an introduction to a range of design tools using both traditional and emerging technologies. Students will be tasked to determine, step by step, how best to execute and present a design solution. In addition to professional standards in publication software, focus will be on demonstrating the potential of combining different tools and techniques into the designer's workflows.

COMD-250  Typography and Information Design (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on the analysis, management, and representation of content in a way that fosters efficient and effective understanding and balances with attractive or artistic expression. Using self-generated and existing content, students learn the basics of typography, information, and interface design in both stand-alone visuals and dynamic, interactive documents. The roles of structure, hierarchy, layering, sequence, editing, and navigation of information are explored. Study of the different ways to organize, represent, and navigate content provide a thorough ground for advanced typographic, information, and interface design as print pieces, websites, apps, map-making, wayfinding systems, diagrams, charts, and data graphics.

COMD-251  Dynamic Imagery (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on designing motion, animation, and time-based experiences for communications design. This includes learning the fundamental skills of how to generate ideas in time, how to build a dramatic construction, and how to connect images in a narrative sequence. Through studio inquiry and problem solving, students will learn the visual, conceptual, technical, and creative promotions and branding for the screen and for multimedia environments. Students will be encouraged to develop their individual creative ability and support this with a high level of technical skills.

COMD-252  Digital Prototyping (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to the tools and production processes involved in the production of time-based and interactive media. Through hands-on lectures and the development of a series of short assignments, students will acquire the skills to naturally incorporate a variety of digital authoring tools and technologies into their workflows, exploring the properties and constraints of designing for digital media. Students will gain the ability to execute design solutions integrating time-based media, dynamic content, and interactivity.